Friday, April 26, 2013

...I'm a firm believer that negativity breeds negativity...

Sorry it has taken me so long to write, hopefully you all haven't forgot about 'lil old me!  Hopefully, everyone is doing well and enjoying this on-again/ off-again spring/winter that we're having.  Next week will probably be 100 degrees all week, followed by snow-nadoes!!!  So I just figured out how lo link certain words/sentences to internet links, this is going to be AWESOME now!  If you see a word/sentence that's a different color, click on it and it will take you to something I think is cool, or referencing what I'm saying! I just made this thing THAT much cooler! :).  Today's post is going to be the direction I'm going to go now on my blog.  I'll always start with an update on my health/fitness. I think I'll follow that with other thoughts or observations.  Let me know what you think. If there's anything you would like for me to add on here or talk about (I will NEVER talk politics, fyi), please feel free to comment and I will definitely take it into consideration!

I've noticed a slight decrease of motivation on my part to work out. Not sure why, or what is causing it, but I can feel it.  I still go and work out, I love it, but not sure why I'm not as motivated to go.  Maybe it's just a phase that I'll get over, small obstacle to overcome.  In a spiritual sense, it's the enemy trying to bring me back to my old ways. I have to be stronger than that though, and continue to press forward!!! I've committed fully to running/walking as part of  my workout, and I absolutely LOVE it!  I tried to go back to the elliptical machine, but I can't. Don't want to.  Although my legs and shins hurt during and after, I love the feeling of accomplishment I have when I make the last turn and cross the 'finish line,' and do my cool down walking lap.  I've also committed to working out in the morning, before work.  5:30 am is early, but I like that there isn't too many people at the gym yet.  I need to start lifting again, make it part of my routine.  Not sure why I got out of it, but I did.  We'l get that going again though, got to!

I went clothes shopping the other day, thinking to myself that since I've lost some weight, things should fit better, or at LEAST look better on me...... W.R.O.N.G!!!!!! I was so sad/upset/embarrassed that clothes didn't fit any better on me.  I understand that losing weight doesn't mean that it's going to to come off where you ant it to, but dangit, it should!!!!  That trip is just another one of those little motivators to keep going and work that much harder, to achieve these goals I've set in place.  I'm going to have a whole new wardrobe when I drop another 20-30 pounds.  I've got clothes in tubs that I CAN'T WAIT (Bart Scott Voice, lol) to start wearing. I spent a lot of $$$ on them and really never wore them all that  much.  Again, more motivation!

I'm really excited to see friends and family members on social media posting about how they've started working out, or started eating better and are seeing results.  It's much better to see things like THAT on FB, Twitter, etc... as opposed to reading about a crappy day, dislike/hate for certain people/groups, or game invites ..... :)  I don't know about you, but I'm a firm believer that negativity breeds negativity.  The exact same applies, however, to being positve.  The more positive you see/read/hear, the more positive you will be.  Same goes for the negative. Most, if not all of you know that I'm sure, and it's your right to post whatever you want to on social media, but with all the negativity we see and hear on tv, radio and internet, wouldn't it be nice to see SOMETHING positive?  Again, congrats to all of you, friends and family, for making the decision to get fit, lose weight, and live a healthy lifestyle.

I guess that will be it for today.  I really hope to update this blog more often, at least once a week.  I know for sure that I won't wait almost 3 weeks to write again! Again, if there's anything you would like for me to write about, or something you'd like answered, questions about anything, please comment and let me know.  As long as it isn't off the wall, chances are, I'll answer.  Be blessed everyone, have an awesome Friday, and weekend also!


Monday, April 8, 2013

...he got sick, REAL sick... he was FORCED to change his lifestyle....

Hope everyone had an awesome week last week and was able to enjoy their weekend with family or loved ones, or even just a relaxing time alone. Tough weekend for WSU fans, as the beloved Shockers came up just shy of playing for a national title on Monday night.  Not only was it a great game, but the way the players, coaches, staff, an even the fans represented themselves and the school made me proud to be a Wiki-Wiki-Wichitan, even more so than I already am! Here's to next season, hopefully it's just as memorable if not, more than this year!

Well, let's see where we currently are, my friends.  Monday will mark the 1 month marker of our weight loss challenge at work.  I've been basing this mostly on that, so I may have lost just a bit more, but this is a good starting point. As of today, I have lost 16 pounds!  I think that is an AWESOME number, but cannot wait for more to start coming off.  I don't notice anything in my appearance at all, but I know that will come in time (I hope...). I DO, however notice that my energy level is so much better than it was before. Also, I just feel better overall.  Over Easter weekend, I made some BAD food choices.  Not so much the type of food, but the amount of it was ridiculous.  I ended up paying for it from Monday night, thru Wednesday.  I told myself that it would be ok to eat like that, and my body disagreed.  Ultimately, my body won.  I know now, those days should be behind me, as long as I can control my behavior.  Remember, this is a lifestyle change, there will be some trial and error.  

I've taken a strong liking to running/walking on the track at the Y, and even though I do still have some pain in my shins, I'm not going to let that keep me from doing the workout I really want to do. My usual routine consists of lifting weights for the first 20-30 minutes, then heading upstairs for 1-2 miles on the track.  I try to do more running that walking, one lap walking followed by 2 laps running. It's tough, but it drives me, and I feel good about myself when I actually do it, and not stop.  I've been getting up around 5 or so, and working out in the morning, as opposed to the evening after work. I've gone from hitting the snooze and NOT waking up, to getting up now with little to no problem, and heading to the gym.  That's HUGE to me and makes me feel really good, knowing that I can get up before the sun comes up and head to the gym to get myself better! My cousin Joe still checks in o me from time to time, to make sure I went, and it's always good to see a familiar face every now and again (Brandi, co-worker and Amanda, old friend) to say good morning to. I can't believe that I'm about to say this, but I'm actually starting to look forward to go workout in the morning.  I'm not 100% there yet, but it's definitely not a burden any more. Not at all.  

I had a really good conversation with one of my brother in law's best friends on Friday evening.  We all got together for birthday dinner and I hadn't seen him in about 6 months. Rodrigo (not his real name, but I don't know if he'd want you to know who he is, so fake Mexican name it is!) is also a large man, like myself. together, we are some big beautiful men! First thing I noticed about Rodrigo was that he had lost A LOT of weight.  My first thought of course was that he had gastric bypass surgery (sorry man, it was either that, or crack....). After beating around the bush for a while, I finally asked him how much weight he had lost, and just how the heck he had lost it. He told me that he got sick, REAL sick. Sick enough that he spent some time around his last birthday in the hospital because he thought he was having a heart attack. He was having some serious health issues. Although I can't remember whether his weight was the major cause of his health problems (stress is ALWAYS #1, right?) I'm sure it didn't help the cause.  Rodrigo has lost over 100 pounds over the last 6 months, because 1., he was sick, and 2., due to being sick, he was FORCED to change his lifestyle, or there could be some serious consequences.  I told him about me and my decision to start living healthier. Near the end of our conversation, he told me he is feeling better now and is pretty much accustomed to his new lifestyle. He also encouraged several times to continue doing what I was doing.  He said that if there was something I could do now, in order to avoid something like what happened to him, DO IT!!!!!! I'l always remember that advice from Rodrigo, and he has become another one of my inspirations to get better and be healthy! I'm glad he is getting better himself and hope nothing but continued success and great health for the future. We're going to be medium-sized beautiful men sooner than later!

NO one likes to be told what they can and can't do, ever. I can't even imagine what it would be like, being told I have no say in what I can and can't eat. Not just for the next few weeks or months, but for the rest of my life?!?!?!?  Wow, what a thought. Oh, and by the way, if you do chose to have what you want, you could die.....  Hopefully I have started to make the decision to get healthy in enough time to avoid any type of future health risks.  I don't know what type damage I've already done to my body, hopefully getting healthy can help to repair some, and allow me to continue to have the choice. I hope you all have an AWESOME week! Feel free to share my blog with anyone, or leave a comment, whatever you'd like. Thanks for stopping by, until the next one!
